Saturday, July 7

Disabilities not a barrier to success

A blog post by Zul Musa at pointed me to a story that many of us would have otherwise missed, one published a month ago on The Star.

Consider that Kamaruddin Ibrahim, a 47-year old disabled man is working fifteen hours a day growing his car repair workshop business in Kota Bharu, Kelantan (while plentiful other fully able youths from that northern town are migrating to big cities like Penang and Kuala Lumpur). With his determination for fifteen years, this father of six who has been cheated by a 'friend-cum-business partner' in his previous venture, and while still having a hard to time to even stand or walk properly is able to employ five workers including a 50-year old disabled man.

If this guy can succeed in business, anyone can!

And with ICT and skills many of us have acquired or is acquiring in colleges and universities, there should be many of us Malaysians able to chart our own entrepreneurial career and own business. No excuses now!

At Pajamanation Malaysia, disabled workers are one of the groups we want to devote our energy to assist. We believe, many of them are capable of insourcing and delivering excellent microjobs to the existing 100,000s of business entities in Malaysia. for instance is already focussing on this group of workers, especially women. We plan to work closely with similar not-for-profit groups and government agencies to realize this goal of providing the fair opportunities to all Malaysians not minding their physical abilities, gender or ethnicity.

Join us today at and contribute in the healthy business and employment environment in Malaysia. It's FREE BTW!

1 comment:

  1. This is inspirational. I'm not from Malaysia, but I still find this to be very good news.


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